На Lionna убили Valakas (LVL 85, 16660000 HP)
Lava Skin
Dragon Breath: смертельный огонь обволакивает все тело; хп уменьшается с очень большой скоростью
Tail Stomp
Meteor Storm
Дроп денег: 151750000 аден
Дроп вещей:
Necklare of Valakas (S, 95 MDef) x1
Blessed SoR x35
Blessed SoE x21
EWA x10
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet (S, 83 PDef) x1
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots (S, 55 PDef) x1
Sealed Major Arcana Glove (S, 55 PDef) x1
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield (S, 276 PDef) x1
Sealed Majestic Gloves (A, 49 PDef) x3
Sealed Boots of Nightmare (A, 49 PDef) x2
Sealed Majestic Circlet (A, 73 PDef) x2
Sealed Major Arcana Robe (S, 157 PDef) x1
Sealed Tallum Stockings (A, 53 PDef) x2
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor (A, 209 PDef) x3
Sealed Robe of Nightmare (A, 147 PDef) x2
Sealed Tallum Tunic (A, 86 PDef) x3
Sealed Tatteosian Necklare (S, 91 MDef) x1
Sealed Phoenix Earring (A, 57 MDef) x5
Sealed Majestic Earring (A, 60 MDef) x4
Draconic Bow (S, 581/138) x1
Heaven's Divider (S, 342/132) x1
Soul Separator (A, 203/114) x2
Sword of Miracles (A, 186/152) x1
Elemental Sword (A, 170/143) x1
Tallum Blade (A, 213/107) x1